Amazon Court Loss to Be Followed by Massive Payout!

Jason Williams

Posted September 5, 2022

It’s Labor Day here in the States and our offices (as well as the stock market) are closed.

But I still wanted to get this article out to you today because it’s got a lot to do with the reason for the holiday we’re celebrating with cookouts and coolers this weekend…

Amazon Loses Labor Battle

You’ve probably heard that there’s a unionization movement afoot in corporate America.

And you’ve probably heard most about it in relation to the online retail behemoth Amazon.

Employees at their distribution centers across the country are trying to organize votes to bring unions to the massive company.

The first one failed, but the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decided Amazon had made it too hard for people to vote and let them hold another one.

That one passed. Then another passed in Staten Island, New York.

But since the first was overturned in the union’s favor, Amazon fought back and tried to have the one in Staten Island overturned in the company's favor.

And for the past few months, it’s been dragging out in court as Amazon has tried to prove that union officials interfered with the election.

But despite millions of dollars in court costs and millions more in attorney fees, Amazon just lost the battle.

The NLRB has tossed out its objections to the election and said that no officials interfered.

It’s a victory for the workers who wanted to unionize at that Staten Island location.

And it’s also a victory for those who want to unionize at other locations across the country.

But it’s a huge loss for Jeff Bezos and the C-suite at Amazon.

Not only does it mean they might have to take better care of the workers who’ve helped to make them billionaires…

But they also have to pay out a massive “fine.”

And that payment has to come out before the end of this September!

That’s this month!

And the most interesting thing about this payout is that you don’t have to work for an Amazon union, or even for Amazon at all.

You don’t have to be a member of Amazon Prime. And you don’t have to be a shareholder of Amazon’s stock either.

But it’s a truly massive payment…

All told, it’s going to add up to $2.34 BILLION!!!

And again, you don’t have to have any connection to Amazon whatsoever to get a piece of it.

It’s a historical precedent!

And it’s happening in just a few days!

Get YOUR Cut Today!

In fact, it’s currently scheduled for September 13.

That’s next week!

But there’s still time for you to get your name on the distribution list…

There’s still time for YOU to get your share of this historical “fine” being slapped on this anti-competitive, anti-worker company.

And it’s far easier than you’re probably thinking.

If you’ve got an internet connection (which I know you have, because you’re reading this online)…

And you’ve got five minutes and the energy to click your mouse a few more times…

Then you’ve got everything it takes to get a piece of this massive payout coming on September 13!

I’ve laid out all the details in a special presentation that I’m including in this article.

All you need to do is watch it, follow my instructions, and sit back and dream of how you’ll spend your money when it comes rolling in on September 13.

I really hope you’ll take advantage of it.

The workers who fought Amazon just scored a huge victory for labor.

And they did it at a time when we celebrate the improvements the organized labor movement has made since the days when workers were locked into factories.

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the labor movement that helped so many workers than by taking a piece of the payout they’ve helped force Amazon to make.

I hope you agree with me and decide to get your share of the prize.

But you’ll have to make that decision for yourself.

Happy Labor Day!

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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